Events at Thorganby Village Hall
The village hall and playing fields of Thorganby stand as a testament to our community's commitment to fostering connection, recreation, and celebration. Available for a myriad of events, our facilities are equipped to accommodate most needs, offering a versatile and inviting space for everything from family celebrations and weddings to community meetings, sports events, and cultural festivals. With well-maintained playing fields that provide an open canvas for outdoor activities, and a hall that offers a warm, adaptable environment complete with essential amenities, we ensure that every gathering is a memorable one. Our aim is to make these spaces not just functional, but also a focal point for community engagement, where residents of all ages can come together to share experiences, learn, and grow.
Capacity for 120 people
Kitchen Facilities
Accessible ramps and level access internally
Car Parking
Wifi Access
Large Outside Space Including Playing Fields & Children's Play Area